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时间:2019-08-30 07:41:55   来源:环球时报GlobalTimes



图 via Roy Issa


而今天香港《南华早报》的一篇文章指出,甚至连香港的支柱产业房地产业也在持续的暴乱中,遭受重创。因交易量持续萎缩、房地产市场快速恶化,大量房产中介将面临“淘汰 ”的命运。

图 via SCMP

文章指出,由于香港持续的示威活动中美贸易战 ,人们对购买香港房产的兴趣不足,导致香港的房产价格加速下跌交易萎缩 。据美联物业(Midland Realty)住宅部门首席执行官布少明(Sammy Po)介绍,该公司在香港大约有4万名房产中介,而其中20%,约8000名将面临“淘汰”

“In the last two weeks, the extent of decline has sped up,” said Sammy Po, chief executive of the residential division at Midland Realty, adding that some homeowners werewilling to slash prices by 10 per cent or more in the hope of finding buyers quickly.

美联物业住宅部门首席执行官布少明表示:“过去两周,房价下跌的速度有所加快。”他补充称,一些房主愿意降价10%或更多 ,以期尽快找到买家。

Po said as transactions shrink in the second half, keener competition for the limited number of deals could lead to the “elimination” of about 20 per cent of agents in the city.


“There are about 40,000 agents. We estimate there will be a total of about 4,000 to 5,000 deals a month, which means about10 agents will compete for each deal [per month].”

“(美联物业)大约有4万名代理人。我们估计,每月将有大约4000至5000笔交易,这意味着(每月)每笔交易将有约10名代理人展开竞争 。”

▲Some 8,000 agents face ‘elimination’ as transactions shrink in Hong Kong’s rapidly deteriorating property market(via SCMP)

此外,二手房市场遭受的打击最为严重 ,今年的交易量将比2003年非典爆发时还要少

The secondary market will be the hardest hit, with only about 40,000 deals taking place this year, the lowest since records began in 1996, said Freddie Wong, chairman of Midland Holdings.


“The number of deals [of used homes] will be worse than when Sars occurred,” Wong said, adding that they were likely to drop by 13 per cent this year. Some 46,131 deals were completed in 2003.


▲Some 8,000 agents face ‘elimination’ as transactions shrink in Hong Kong’s rapidly deteriorating property market(via SCMP)



豪宅市场的成交量 更是在2017年创下历史新高

图 via Midland Realty



▲香港豪宅成交创历史新高 内地个人买家占比30%(via 21世纪经济报道)

不过,假如暴力抗议持续升级,星展银行预计最糟糕的情况是明年香港房地产价格可能爆跌20%至30% (property prices could plunge between 20 per cent and 30 per cent next year if the violence continues to escalate▲SCMP)。

此外, 不仅香港的住宅房地产市场将可能出现暴跌,香港房地产市场的其他领域 也将受到不利影响。

In the worst scenario, prices of office buildings and shops could sink by 30 per cent by the end of next year, while prices of industrial properties could decline by 20 per cent.


▲Some 8,000 agents face ‘elimination’ as transactions shrink in Hong Kong’s rapidly deteriorating property market(via SCMP)


整合:Du Qiongfang

资料:SCMP, 21世纪经济报道,

图/题图:SCMP, Midland Realty


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