时间:2019-02-19 10:54:00 来源:环球时报GlobalTimes
这两天,相信很多人都被“故宫夜场没抢到票” 这个消息刷屏了。众网友熬最深沉的夜,只为抢一张故宫的夜场票。
图 via 订票系统官网
图 via 微博
有人自称自己是阿哥 ,元宵节进不了故宫,有失颜面。
图 via 新浪微博
我们来阅读Global Times最新的双语报道,了解下事件的前因后果。
图 via Global Times 官网
Enthusiastic visitors haveparalyzed the Palace Museum's ticketing system as the world's largest museum announced it would open at night on Tuesday and Wednesday for the first time in 94 years to celebrate the traditionalChinese Lantern Festival .
在故宫官宣他们会在周二周三开放夜场参观,欢庆元宵佳节之后,粉丝们就挤爆了 故宫的订票系统 。今年元宵节 是故宫博物院94年来第一次开夜场。
图 via 网络
The celebration will featurea red lantern show , light projections of renowned ancient paintings and New Year-themed exhibits.
根据介绍,元宵节夜场活动以灯笼秀 和灯光秀为主,营造出喜庆祥和的节庆氛围。另外,艺术灯光投影于建筑屋顶上的《千里江山图卷》等绘画作品。
The announcementlit up Chinese social media, with many fans waiting until midnight to grab the tickets online.
故宫夜场的官宣很快就让社交媒体比如微信,微博等炸开 了。许多故宫粉丝们熬到半夜,只为了抢到一张夜场票。
图 via 网络
图 via 网络
还有逗逼买家在咸鱼为了买票,声称觉得自己是阿哥 ,所以“进不去,面子上挂不住”…
图 via 新浪微博
From TV reality shows to cultural and creative products, even the design and production of cosmetics,the Palace Museum is attempting to change its image as a mysterious and aging relic to a popular cultural icon . The museum, which used to be a stern and cold institution, has moved closer to people's lives and "new" has become a keyword in the museum's development.
近几年来,从综艺节目到文创产品,故宫频频刷爆大家的朋友圈,只为从一个神秘复古的历史文物古迹, 变成大家心中的顶级流量IP 。甚至在去年年底还出了自己的彩妆线。虽然故宫在明年就要满600岁了,但是现在它却活跃如年轻人。
图 via 网络
The museum will hang a red lantern every five meters.More than 300 red lanterns will form a shape of dragon to light up the old buildings of the Palace Museum (also known as the Forbidden City), Shan Jixiang, Palace Museum curator, said at a conference on Sunday.
故宫博物院院长单霁翔在周日的一个会议上说,在元宵节的夜场中,每隔5米一个红灯笼,在城墙上,300多个红灯笼串起一条红龙 ,把紫禁城的一些古建筑打亮。
According to the announcement, some sanitation workers, delivery couriers, soldiers, police officers and other "model workers" in Beijing will be invited to the event.
During peak seasons, each ticket to the Palace Museum costs 60 yuan ($8.87) butit is given for free for the Lantern Festival event. The museum's online ticket systemstalled the night of the announcement.Scalpers were selling tickets for up to 9,999 yuan on Xianyu, an online marketplace for secondhand goods.
在旺季的时候,故宫门票一般都只用60元。这次的夜场是免费的,但是需要提前预约。 但是在周天晚上,故宫的订票系统就被热情的观众挤 瘫痪 了。为了能在元宵之夜游宫殿、赏宫灯做一夜“宫里人” 一些连网站都没登陆进去的热心观众开始在网上寻寻觅觅。小编发现在淘宝闲鱼上有的黄牛 把票价炒到了9999元。
One scalper on the platform told the Global Times on Monday that eventhe 5,000 yuan tickets sold out in one day .
闲鱼上的一个黄牛卖家周一告诉环球时报英文版,称5000元一张的票,上线一天内就卖完了 。
图 via 网络
Many netizens who failed to get a ticketvented their frustrations online, urging the Palace Museum tore-open its ticket system . However, the ticket office told the Global Times on Monday that it won't release more tickets at night for the Lantern Festival, and is not sure whether it would open more night activities.
很多没买到票的观众开始愤愤不平 ,隔空喊话故宫再次开放夜场票 ,也有人要求增加夜场票注册的。但是,故宫票务部门称他们暂时没有增加放票的消息,也不清楚之后会不会再次开放夜场活动。
People's Daily hailed the museum's first opening at nightas another innovative way to promote traditional culture . "Creativity makes the 600-year-old Palace Museum younger and draws traditional culture closer to the public," the newspaper said.
《人民日报》也评论故宫此次在元宵节开放夜场是一个弘扬传统文化的创新之举 。“正是创新,让600年历史的故宫更为年轻,也让传统文化走进寻常百姓。”
As part of a plan to celebrate the museum's 600th birthday in 2020, Shan also vowed toopen 85 percent of its exhibition space to the public by 2020 .
为了庆祝明年故宫600年的生日, 故宫博物院院长单霁翔之前提到,到2020年, 故宫开放面积将扩大到85% 。
The museum is gradually expanding. It opened more than 80 percent to the public in 2018 and Shan vowed to open 85.02 percent by 2025.
The rejuvenation of the Palace Museum should also be cited for the improvement in the public's aesthetic taste. "The museum cannot lag behind during the 'spring of culture era,' when people have the highest interest and demand for cultural products ," said Liu Zheng, a member of the Beijing-based China Cultural Relics Academy.
中国文物学会会员刘征对《环球时报》说,故宫的焕新其实也跟观众的审美提高有关系。“在如今这个文化之春的时代,当人民对文化产品有着很高要求的时候,博物馆是要迎头赶上这个潮流的 。”
As a country with an over 5,000-year-old civilization, China owns 10,815 movable cultural relics and 766,722 immovable ones in 4,800 museums, according to 2017 data from the National Cultural Heritage Administration.
The success of the Palace Museum also provides a template for other museums, to teach them how to make their collections resonate with the public, and allow more people to learn about culture and history, said Liu.
文:Zhao Yusha
图: 网络;微博
整合:Wang Han
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