时间:2019-01-25 16:50:17 来源:网上天津
[导读]天津喜来登大酒店1987年开业, 是天津市第一家国际五星连锁酒店, 并誉为天津酒店业的标志,是天津乃至全国酒店业人才的摇篮,是天津酒店
天津喜来登大酒店1987年开业, 是天津市第一家国际五星连锁酒店, 并誉为天津酒店业的标志,是天津乃至全国酒店业人才的摇篮,是天津酒店服务质量的翘楚,所培养出的精英们仍然是各大品牌饭店的栋梁,并以这种方式延续服务精神。
31年的时光,31年的陪伴, 有太多人把人生中重要的时刻放在这里,我们接待过1995年举办的第43届世界乒乓球锦标赛, 2007年女子足球世界杯,2008年北京奥运会以及天津自2000年起每隔两年举办的“世界经济论坛”等世界重要赛事。
天津旅游集团在2018年决定解除与万豪集团的合作协议,并直接管理酒店,且更名为: 天津燕园国际大酒店,开启了新的篇章。
电话:022 27313388
Sheraton Tianjin Hotel opened in 1987, it is the first international Five Star hotel in Tianjin, looked up as Tianjin Hotel industry’s mark. It is the model of Tianjin hotel service quality, the elite training is still the pillar of the major brand hotels, and in this way to continue the spirit of service.
31years time, 31 years accompany, Lot of people put their most important moments and memories of their lives here. We have hosted the No. 43 World PingPang championship which held in 1995, The Women Football World Cup in 2007, Beijing Olympic Game in 2008, and the “World Economic Forum” which hold once in two years, etc.
Jin Tourism Group decided to terminate the cooperation agreement with Marriott International, to manage directly, and rename: Tianjin Yan Yuan International Hotel, to open a new chapter.
The General Manger Ms. Cindy Wang has over 20 years Hotel experiences, the team is unchanged, Hotel people’s original heart is unchanged, the future can be expected, let us hand in hand, to continue the wonderful, we wish the hotel thriving.
Tianjin Yan Yuan International Hotel
No. 31 Zijinshan Road
Hexi District, Tianjin
Tel: 022 27313388

电话:022 27313388
Sheraton Tianjin Hotel opened in 1987, it is the first international Five Star hotel in Tianjin, looked up as Tianjin Hotel industry’s mark. It is the model of Tianjin hotel service quality, the elite training is still the pillar of the major brand hotels, and in this way to continue the spirit of service.
31years time, 31 years accompany, Lot of people put their most important moments and memories of their lives here. We have hosted the No. 43 World PingPang championship which held in 1995, The Women Football World Cup in 2007, Beijing Olympic Game in 2008, and the “World Economic Forum” which hold once in two years, etc.
Jin Tourism Group decided to terminate the cooperation agreement with Marriott International, to manage directly, and rename: Tianjin Yan Yuan International Hotel, to open a new chapter.
The General Manger Ms. Cindy Wang has over 20 years Hotel experiences, the team is unchanged, Hotel people’s original heart is unchanged, the future can be expected, let us hand in hand, to continue the wonderful, we wish the hotel thriving.
Tianjin Yan Yuan International Hotel
No. 31 Zijinshan Road
Hexi District, Tianjin
Tel: 022 27313388
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